Sunday, May 31, 2020

Interviewing Heres How to Create a Lasting First Impression

Interviewing Heres How to Create a Lasting First Impression When interviewing for a job, it’s certainly not hard to find plenty of advice online about how to prepare for the interview. Your resume looks flawless. You’ve studied the company’s website. You’ve prepared a number of questions to ask the interviewer. You’ve carefully chosen your wardrobe to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. Unless you’re a recent college graduate, chances are this isn’t your first interview, and you know the drill. But when thinking about an upcoming interview, don’t overlook the small details of your first encounter with a potential employer. While they may not require practice or preparation, being cognizant of them can prove to be the difference in returning from the interview employed or unemployed. Heres how to master your first impression. The Handshake Possibly the simplest, yet most easily overlooked part of the interview. It always amazes me how much you can tell about a person from his or her handshake, and how many people form opinions based on this and are never willing to change them. Want to show a potential employer that you’re shy, lazy or just can’t be bothered with the task of meeting new people? There’s no better way than to give them a “dead fish” handshake. Many people find the unwillingness to give a firm handshake as the sign of a lack of commitment or determination â€" both qualities an interviewer wants to see in an eager new employee. Want to show them that you’re impatient, brash and hard to manage? An overly firm handshake will do just that. No one likes a handshake that leaves their hand hurting afterward. Some see this as a sign of an overly aggressive personality â€" one that can certainly be unpleasant to deal with in the workplace. Finally, nothing says “I couldn’t care less about meeting you” more than not bothering to look at the person with whom you’re shaking hands. A personal pet peeve of mine, if someone can’t be bothered with making eye contact when shaking hands, I know for sure this is not the person I want working for me. I can even recall one or two instances when the person with whom I was shaking hands started a conversation with someone else in the room while shaking my hand. If this ever happened to me with a potential job candidate, it would be the shortest interview I ever conducted. The Greeting This should be common knowledge, but then so should many other things that are often overlooked. When meeting a potential employer for the first time, keep your greeting cordial and formal. “Pleasure to meet you” will make a good first impression â€" simple and polite. Remember that you’re not hanging out with your friends at the local pub. If you’re lucky, you may eventually achieve that level of friendship with the person with whom you’re interviewing. But until then, “Sup?” is not a proper greeting. Remember: You’re Being Watched From the moment you step foot on company property until the moment you leave, keep in mind that your actions may be reported to your potential employer. If you’re the type of person who is only polite to those who outrank you and can further your career, expect your self-serving nature to eventually come back to haunt you. Nearly every veteran recruiter has a story of a candidate who disrespected a receptionist or maintenance worker in a potential employer’s office en route to the interview, only to lose the job because of it. The same goes for littering in the parking lot, eating in the reception area before the interview, or any other action that may signal the employer that you are not the ideal personality type that they want working for them. Any new hire can attest to the amount of work that goes into getting a new job. From the long-term preparation (education, work experience and training) to the short-term preparation (studying the potential employer’s company, products and culture), always keep in mind subtleties such as body language and manners. While they alone may not be enough to get you hired, they can certainly be the reason you are not chosen. And what sadder way for a perfectly qualified candidate to lose a job opportunity? RELATED: How to Answer the Top 10 Interview Questions

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Tips on Writing a Resume After College

Tips on Writing a Resume After CollegeHow to write a resume after college? This may be one of the most important questions you ask yourself when you enter college. Writing a resume after college is a complex process and the entire purpose of a resume is to help potential employers make a decision as to whether or not to hire you. This is the ultimate goal of your entire endeavor and if you miss out on the basics of a resume, it will not only limit your success but also set you back in your professional life.The best time to start your resume after college is right after your last day of classes. You should still plan your eventful semester accordingly. You must make your resume the second thing you do after getting all of your assignments finished. You may have written the best papers of the semester, but this will only take the first step on the road to getting hired.Now that you have completed your semester and have the projects and assignments that you will need to send to your po tential employer, you will want to start looking at multiple resume formats. Start with one of the most popular resume formats of the 1990s: the chronological resume. This resume format will allow you to show your accomplishments over the course of your college career. You should include dates, places, names and jobs and your accomplishments that you had for the particular academic year.After you list the events that you accomplished during the year, list out the careers you have been involved in. You can include names of employers, dates of employment and an explanation of why you were employed. In order to list all of your job-related responsibilities, you will need to include your full name along with the details of the jobs. Include any specific information about your job titles, duties and hours worked.Another popular resume format for those who are not just starting their careers but are also looking to move forward after college is the cover letter. Your cover letter should t ell the reader why you are applying for the position and what you can do for the company. If you want to continue working toward a degree or further your career, your cover letter will contain valuable information that will allow the employer to know why you are a good fit for the position.Your resume after college should also contain information about your references. If you have previously worked with the company, contact them to get their contact information. If you have not worked with the company before, leave a phone number and email address so that they can contact you. An impressive resume will come from having excellent information regarding your previous employers.If you still have not created your resume after college, you may want to think about incorporating keywords into your document. Keywords are phrases or words that describe your skills, education and/or work history. When you use keywords in your resume, employers will know exactly what type of job you are applyin g for and what type of education or work experience you have. Most resume writing software allows you to make these changes to your document so you will have no problem including keywords in your document.You should not stop learning once you have completed your resume after college. Keep learning as you prepare for the next job you will apply for. You never know when you will need something new or find that your old resume was outdated.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

How to Start a Business in the Fashion Industry (PODCAST) - Classy Career Girl

How to Start a Business in the Fashion Industry (PODCAST) Many women dream of starting a fashion brand. I know having a Classy Career Girl clothing line is definitely one of my long-term goals which is why I was so excited to interview our next guest with a wealth of knowledge launching and building fashion brands. If you have the same dream of getting into the fashion industry or just want to hear more about what its all about and how the fashion industry has changed lately, you are going to love this episode. Maria Pesin founder and principle How to Start a Business in the Fashion Industry Maria Pesin is the founder and principle of Vibe Consulting, A Fashion Business consulting firm that specializes in helping companies start new divisions, turn around existing ones, or bringing companies to the next level. Their specialties are sales and marketing, merchandising, organizational efficiencies, and managing Profit Loss. Maria is 30+ years launching and building fashion brands. And I’m excited to learn from her today. I would love to build a fashion brand for CCG. Subscribe  on  your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud Some questions I asked: Listeners have dreams of having a fashion brand. How did you get into the fashion industry? What first steps should you take when starting a business in the fashion industry? What are the changes that are taking place right now? As the marketplace shifts, many fashion brands are often left with flat revenues, increasing debt and even closing up shop. How do you increase revenues and decrease debt in the fashion business? How important is social media to the fashion business these days? In This Episode, You Will Learn: How to start and grow a business in the fashion industry. Episode Resources: Marias website: Contact for a complimentary consultation You may also like these episodes: How To Start Your Own Business with Jen Worman Internship Networking Advice From a Fashion Stylist

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

4 tips for being your own career coach

4 tips for being your own career coach Giving advice about careers is easier than taking it. People are always calling me on this spitting my advice back to me at my most vulnerable moments. Like when I was late delivering my column five weeks in a row, and my editor said, Remember that time you wrote about how being late is for losers? So I work hard at learning to consciously incorporate my own advice into my career. The first time I did this was in an interview. I had just written a column about how the best way to end an interview is to say, Do you have any reservations about hiring me? If you say this at the end of an interview it gives you a chance to combat any misgivings otherwise you just leave them there, untouched. I remember sitting in the interview thinking to myself, You should ask the question, then I thought, No. The question is so pushy and sounds like its right out of a book. Then I thought, You have to do it. Do it. Do it! So I asked the question and the moment unfolded like a textbook: The interviewer told me she was worried about my job hopping. I explained to her why I am a dedicated employee who delivers outstanding results wherever I go. And I got the job. Now, I take my advice more often, though its still hard. Last week I was writing an email about a job I want, and I wrote, Just checking to see if you had a chance to read my proposal. Then I thought, hmm. That is not very positive and inspiring. So I changed it to, Please give me a call so we can discuss how I can make your company launch a success. The second phrasing sounds a little crazy because I never talk that way to friends. But I really do stand by my advice that direct mail philosophies work, and requesting a specific action and providing a specific benefit are very important Tell people what you want from them so they can give it to you. (Update: it worked. The person called, and I got a great partnership deal.) Each of us has an advisor inside of us that we can listen to as a way to do better in this world. Hiring a career coach has helped me a lot, but my experience tells me that its also important to develop your own, inner coach. Here are four skills I have developed for coaching myself: 1. Talk to an imaginary coach. If you pretend youre talking to someone else then you have to explain what youre doing in much more detail than if you were mulling it over in your head. The result is similar to writing down a problem more clarity about the problem leads to more clarity about the solution. 2. Ask yourself better questions. If you get stuck doing step one, ask yourself the most cringe-inducing question that someone else could ask you. Then answer them. The quality of the questions you ask equals the quality of the conclusions you draw. 3. Pretend to give advice to someone else. Pretend someone else is asking you the same question. What would you say to them? Its easier to give someone else a hard dose of reality than to give it to ourselves. 4. Believe in your ability to make positive change in your life. You cant coach yourself until you believe that youre coachable. As always, believing in yourself is half the battle.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

How to Select Marketing Resume Samples That Will Work For You

How to Select Marketing Resume Samples That Will Work For YouIf you are looking for a place to begin your search for marketing resume samples, you will quickly realize that there are a lot of options. Therefore, it is essential that you understand the difference between what is a resume and what is a sample.When you are writing a resume, your goal is to get the most desirable employers to read your resume and call you for an interview. This is done by having a great cover letter, proper grammar, and perfect spelling. It is also important to make sure your resume reflects your real work experience. While there are websites that offer free samples, these don't really represent your skills as well as a written resume.Writing a resume for an employer does not end with the document itself. You must first prepare for an interview well. It's a common mistake for new graduates to not follow up with their interviewers. Do the courtesy and follow up with them so that you can ask any questions or clarify anything before you are asked.Your resume is only as good as the interview that you present. Do not waste the interviewer's time by assuming that he or she has already found the job that you want. Make sure you present yourself in the best possible light by having a great interview. The resume samples that you use should reflect your interview answers and describe why you are the best candidate for the position you are applying for.Marketing resumes are unique because they provide a solution to the specific needs of the market. All resume samples will look very similar, but each one has its own individual characteristics. The best way to find the one that will suit you the best is to read through a few of them and get some ideas of how they fit into your career goals. Before you decide on a particular writing style, make sure you understand exactly what your resume is supposed to represent.Another factor to consider when choosing a resume is the length. The length should be proportionate to the level of experience that you possess. With experience, a one page resume is more appropriate than an eight page one.Marketing resume samples should never be a substitute for actual work experience. For example, if you are applying for an entry-level position in a major corporation, then you may not need a marketing resume. However, if you are applying for a mid-level position at a small local company, then a marketing resume is ideal. In either case, the specific requirements of the job description are the most important part of the resume.Whatever your specific needs, a marketing resume samples may help you improve your resume and become a more qualified candidate. When you are faced with a potential employer, you must be prepared with a marketing resume that represents you and that makes you stand out from the rest of the competition. Don't hesitate to get some samples so that you can make an informed decision on what type of resume you want to use.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Find a Resume Writing Service - How to Find the Best Available Resume Writing Service Engineer

Find a Resume Writing Service - How to Find the Best Available Resume Writing Service EngineerIf you are looking for a Knoxville resume writing service, you will want to do your research on the ones that can help you out. It may take some time and effort but it is well worth it when you find the right person.The first thing that you should look at when it comes to finding a resume writing service is the website. There are many companies that are going to be offering services but there is a good chance that you will be able to find a few of them that offer a quality service. You are looking for a company that is going to be able to provide you with a professional written resume that is going to get you noticed.Before you even begin to contact the company, you need to know exactly what they are capable of doing. A good website is going to offer you with a resume sample that you can use. This means that you should have a sample resume that can serve as a guide in order to help you pick a company that can help you out.If you are looking for a great writer, there are going to be plenty of people out there that are going to be able to help you out. They can also help you find the right person. You need to make sure that you are able to use a resume writing service that has been in business for a few years so that you know that it is someone that is professional.Once you find the right person, you need to be sure that you are going to be able to get it in front of a number of people. After all, a Knoxville resume writing service is not going to be able to help you out if no one knows that you have sent it.The best way to make sure that you get the results that you want is to let your friends and family know about it. You may want to tell them that you are hiring a company to write your resume, but in reality, they are going to be able to do it as well. When you are asking friends and family for recommendations, you will be able to find the right person.The last thing that you want to do is make sure that you are able to get a good price when you are using a Knoxville resume writing service engineer. The price that you are going to pay for this service will go up and down depending on the type of project that you are looking to have done. When you are talking to a company, you are going to have to give them an estimate for what it is going to cost you to get it done.Most of the companies that offer these services won't charge much at all but the only way that you are going to be able to find one that is going to offer you with an accurate quote is by doing some research. You can learn a lot about the company that you are interested in through the company's website.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

5 Things Recruiters Look Out for In A CV Before Hiring -

5 Things Recruiters Look Out for In A CV Before Hiring A resume is like an advertisement for your great communication skills and talents and is something that needs to draw attention to stand out. Take a tube of toothpaste for example. It may have all the properties and ingredients of an excellent top tier toothpaste, but if it does not have a good advertisement to go along with it, the chances are that no one in its potential consumer market will know of it or even give it a second glance.When recruiters look at a resume, they are often looking for specific qualities that they think are suitable for the job.People may spend a lot of money on getting a professional resume done, but the task of creating a good resume is more straightforward than one might think. To make it easier for you, we are here to show you how you can make a good resume for yourself to draw the attention of recruiters, and to get those interview calls pouring in. Here is a compiled list of some of the definitive things that one must add in their resume, and the poi nters that recruiters tend to look out for.1. Communication SkillsGood communication skills are a boon to any company and make for great employees, which is why having excellent communication skills somewhere on your resume can work well for you. Recruiters like seeing this, and gives you an edge over others who do not mention anything about them being able to communicate well.Because of the diverse mediums through which people communicate, it is also essential to mention that you will be able to communicate through virtual as well as personal mediums efficiently. Things like proficient email communication coupled with a good speaking ability do wonders for a CV, making it one of the top things that recruiters look out for, and something that must be a highlight of every good CV. If you are unsure of how good your communication skills are, go over a few articles and courses to know what you need to work on, and how to work on it.If you take a look at any sample of administrative ass istant resume, you will see that this thing is stated there. A worker that manages to keep people engaged and makes himself easily understood always gets the bonus points.2. ProficiencyBeing proficient at what you do, and noting that down on your CV is another thing that recruiters tend to look out for. Recruiters don’t want a jack of all traits and want someone who can do the job efficiently and to the best of their abilities. Highlighting the things that you are more proficient in, particularly one that is good for the job always looks good on a resume.Being proficient at something also says that you have worked hard to reach that level with a particular skill, which is always a big positive when it comes to choosing the right employees. Even those who are looking to get jobs in entry-level positions should find something that they are proficient with and put it down on their resume. Want to Read More Articles Like This One?Sign up here to receive weekly updates from Career Enli ghtenment, and never miss another powerful job searching tip! SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed!We hate spam too. Unsubscribe any time. 3. Good Work EthicEven though there is no precise definition of a good worth ethic, it is something that recruiters like to see when scanning through dozens of resumes. At the end of the day, these recruiters are looking to find the best people to work with and having someone with a good work ethic makes working with one another a whole lot easier.Even if you aren’t too sure if you have a good work ethic or not, pen it down so that recruiters will have something that separates you from the rest of the crowd of people applying for the same job. If you want to understand what work ethic is all about, again you can try out reading some articles or taking some courses. This is very important since people like working with someone who is easy to gel with and is good at what they do.4. Eager to Learn and GrowLearning is a process that neve r stops, no matter what point in your career you reach. Even though it is something that everyone experiences, recruiters tend to select those who mention that they are eager to learn and grow. Seeing this shows the recruiters that the people they are looking to interview are open to self and professional development, and will not get stunted with faced with hard challenges or any adversary.People who are willing to grow to tend to make better leaders in the future, and therefore make for good long-term choices for corporates, which is why they choose people who mention this.5. LoyaltyThe final thing on our list of things that people must mention on their CV is loyalty. While citing this is easy, it is also important to showcase it in the work that you do, and in the experiences that you encounter; being loyal is not easy or simple, like some would think.Recruiters don’t want someone who will stay at a job only for a period of six months before they leave for something more exciti ng. They want people who will remain with them for a considerable amount of time and provide an excellent value to the company who is choosing to employ them. Loyalty goes a long way, which is why it is one of the most sought-after things that recruiters look out for in a CV.ConclusionWith these handy tips, you are sure to draw attention to your CV and get job offers flooding in. Remember to try your best to stay true to your CV so that employers dont get too surprised when you walk in for an interview with them.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Turn Your Hobby into a Job IM HIRED

Turn Your Hobby into a Job Finding Success in your Passion Everyone likes the idea of doing a job that they love, but there aren’t all that many people who can achieve this ambition. If you are going to turn your hobby into a job. You need a very clear plan of action in place to monetise your passion. While there is a lot of joy to be gained from doing something that you love as a job. There are also numerous practical benefits as well. Hobbies are often very specific and niche activities, and if you become an expert in your chosen area, you are likely to find that the opportunities open up to you. Of course, this is going to take a lot of hard work and effort. So, to give you some inspiration, in this blog post, we will be talking you through just a few of the ways that you can turn your hobby into a job. Photo Credit Teach Others Your Passion The most obvious way to make money from your hobby is to teach others to do what you do. If you are a keen musician, you are bound to be able to find some students out there who want to learn from you. It is worth checking whether you need to obtain any further qualifications such as an online master of music in music education. And thanks to the internet, it is easier than ever to offer your services via Skype and on other similar platforms. As well as being a good teacher, you also need to be strong in marketing.   Invent or Sell Unique Products Photo Credit   Another way that you can make money is by selling some unique products. For example, if you are an aspiring artist, you could create some unique images, pottery, sculptures etc depending on what you specialise in. Alternatively, you could sell products which already exist. You may be passionate about music, and therefore could hunt down some rare vinyl disks to sell for a profit online. Ultimately, your in-depth knowledge of your hobby will stand you in good stead when you are attempting a venture of this kind.   Speak or Write About Your Hobby Another way that you could turn your hobby into a job is by giving talks about it. Perhaps you are passionate about languages and have some unique tips or perspectives that you could share. You could also get this across through writing perhaps by creating your own blog or even an ebook. Of course, it takes a lot of effort to generate success by going down this particular path. And you need to have a great deal of determination, as well as some luck to make a success of things.   Create a Tour or Unique Experience In days gone by, people focused very much on acquiring material possessions and wealth. Nowadays, a lot of us are driven by having experiences, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. If you can offer a unique experience based on your hobby. This could be a great way of turning it into a job. For example, if you are interested in photography, you could offer an experience in which you take people out photographing the area where you live. There are many platforms such as Airbnb Experiences which give you the opportunity to share your unique experience with others. Ultimately, you have to be a little creative and use your imagination to craft something which people will be passionate about doing.   Appraise, Repair or Fix Items Most hobbies have plenty of ‘stuff’ which is closely associated with them. And there comes a time when a lot of this stuff needs to be fixed by someone who has a unique knowledge of it. Of course, this may be something which you have to learn. Again, the more knowledge you have, the more likely it is that you will be able to monetise it. Alternatively, you could look into appraising items to help people to determine the true value of them. Turning your hobby into a job is not something that will happen overnight. But these are just a few of the ways in which you can best achieve this aim. Ultimately, you need to have a very clear plan of what you are going to do. As well as a great deal of patience and determination that will set you on the right path towards achieving your ambitions.